Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Hard Way, Part 2

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MONSTER FACT: In the center of the head of many lizards is a small semi-transparent spot, which connects to an area of the brain, called the pineal body. A pineal body is a small, cone-shaped projection from the top of the midbrain of most vertebrates. The pineal body does not appear in crocodiles or in mammals of the order Xenarthra (anteaters, sloths, armadillos) and consists of only a few cells in whales and elephants. In humans the structure develops until the seventh year, when it is slightly larger than a pea. In lizards, this "third eye" is thought to detect day length, triggering the production of hormones for breeding in spring and hibernation in the winter. Thank you, Colzoo.org, for making lizards a little odder in my mind.


At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So this is what you've been working on all these years. I love Vincent Furlong, who apparently is left-handed, since he wears his watch on the right hand, like I do. Well, or maybe that's because he seems to only have one arm. :P

When exactly is the website ready then, you pixel freak? Who's a little pixel freak, who's my cuddley wuddley pixel freak? Wwwwwwwwwww. *tickles*

At 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like the facts, there cool, orange guy vinny, i like him best he has a hat!
the art is really cool, i like the pixel monsters i just would like them to be bigger as they seem to have some awesome detail.


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