Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Versus Action

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An unoptimised version of my adaptation of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is up here; it's currently textless, so you should probably read the original story by James Thurber (if you haven't already). The comic itself's an early attempt at utilising this Infinite Canvas business so beloved of that McCloud fella and his ilk; I think it went pretty well, but I'd like to hear some constructive criticism if you've got some. But beware! The comic is pretty dang big - somewhere just north of the 2Mb mark - and so not a friend to the dial-up user (a more streamlined version will appear on my portfolio site when it's eventually ready to go).

Right, I've got a dissertation to write. See you tomorrow!


At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Bout bloody time you got this comic sorted out :)

Liking it. Keep up the good work :)

At 7:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its cute and observant, I had a chuckle. ^_^


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