Friday, March 03, 2006

Lifestyle Choices, Part 7

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That's about it for the Lifestyle Choices story, I think.

As you may have guessed by the banner above today's strip, I'll be exhibiting a selection of delicious things at the UK Web and Minicomix Thing on March 11th in London; sharing the table will be the excellent STEE-3PO, the absurdly talented Lucy Parnell and the master robot and animal builder Stu Witter. We'll also be touting some amazing models and illustrations by a load of Lincoln-based artists that you should definitely come and have a gander at.

After this weekend, I'm planning on some interesting new things for Very Small Monsters. I'll likely be switching to a Mon-Wed-Fri schedule, because these New Things will probably involve a considerably bolstered time investment on my part; it may drop to as little as twice-weekly, but never less than that. You have my word as a scholar and a gentleman.*

I've got to put some material together for the Thing, I suppose. See you Monday!

*This word is rendered null and void in cases of terrifying illness or Having Loads Of Stuff To Do, but I will do my best.


At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah boyeeee! Everyone should come and buy our things because they are good and fun and we are nice and then we went home. The end.


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